Community Users
Policies & Procedures
Hourly Rentals:
If community users book evening or weekend rentals we require 24 hour cancellation notice.
Abusive Patrons Policy:
Chilliwack Heritage Park values the safety and security of visitors and staff and the protection of personal and public property. The use of inappropriate and abusive language, in addition to undesirable, dangerous or criminal behaviour will not be tolerated.
Anyone not following this guideline will be asked to leave and may have facility privileges suspended or terminated.
Insurance & Waivers For Riding Rentals
Public open riding guests must sign a Waiver of Liability form and provide proof of BC Horse Council membership.
Indoor Private Rental Ride hourly reservation only is $66.15 per hour (includes GST).
Outdoor Sand Ring Open Ride $15 (includes GST) & Private Rental hourly $52.50 (includes GST).
Please always call ahead to confirm. 604-824-9927
Please visit – to sign up for Horse Council Membership
Additional Forms:
The forms above must be handed in to the front office before you ride.
Chilliwack Heritage Park Office is open 8am – 4pm Monday – Friday. Phone – 604.824.9927
Riding & Event Calendar
This Calendar is subject to change! Always call ahead.
Indoor Private Ride Rental hourly reservation only is $66.15 (includes GST) per hour.
Outdoor Sand Ring Open Ride $15 (includes GST) & Private Rental hourly $52.50 (includes GST).
Please always call ahead to confirm. 604-824-9927
Policies & Procedures
Hourly Rentals:
If community users book evening or weekend rentals we require 24 hour cancellation notice.
Abusive Patrons Policy:
Chilliwack Heritage Park values the safety and security of visitors and staff and the protection of personal and public property. The use of inappropriate and abusive language, in addition to undesirable, dangerous or criminal behaviour will not be tolerated.
Anyone not following this guideline will be asked to leave and may have facility privileges suspended or terminated.